The sanitising stations will remain, so please use the gel to sanitise your hands and the spray to wipe tables and chairs to protect everyone using the hall.
Number restrictions in the building will return to normal. The squares marking 2m social distance will be retained for guidance. It certainly will be a good idea to space chairs as much as possible depending on the group.
Please continue to use the QR code for NHS Track & Trace or keep a register of attendees and advise me of anyone who becomes ill with COVID.
The sanitising stations will remain, so please use the gel to sanitise your hands and the spray to wipe tables and chairs to protect everyone using the hall.
The main kitchen will be opened. Please use the dishwasher which takes about 20-30 minutes to heat up but is very quick to wash. Clean tea towels must be brought in and removed.
All the toilets will be open with sanitising spray available. If anyone wishes to be the only one in the toilets, the vacant / engaged signs or the access toilet can be used.