The Charity



The Hall is administered by the Trustees of the St Luke and St John Ecclesiastical Charity under Charity Commission Scheme CD(T1)101,673, which was sealed on 29 March 1994.

The Charity was registered as no. 1078441 on 2 December 1999.

The Hall is the successor to various earlier establishments in the Bath Road, Albion Street and Clare Street, which were originally founded under separate charities for the education and recreation of members of the Church of England.


Hall income is used firstly to cover running costs and maintenance of the Hall and secondly for the religious and charitable work of the Church of England in the Parish of St Luke & St John, Cheltenham.


The current body of trustees comprises the Minister, the Revd Patrick Wheaton, Church Wardens, Ben Harris and Linda Pitchford, and three nominees of the Parochial Church Council (PCC), Lisa Campbell (Chair), Simon Barton (Treasurer) and Robert Bolton


Sylvia Lauder
Bookings Manager
07792 567189
    Lesley Thomas
    Facilities Manager
    07942 965981